It was the smile of a man who is able to see, to know and to create the glory of existence. It was the mocking, challenging smile of a brilliant intelligence.

Ayn Rand
About This Quote

When King Louis XIV of France died in 1715, his successor was his son, King Louis XV. When it came time for the new king to name an official portraitist, he decided he wanted the artist to paint him in a pose that befitted a great man. He wanted the image of his majesty to be an image of strength and dignity. He wanted all to see him as a great man who had reached the highest level of achievement.

That was the perfect pose. But, when the painter presented it to him, Louis XV was displeased with what he saw there. He said it would never do.

The painting wasn't right. This is not how he wanted himself to be seen. Perhaps this was just the impression that the painter brought with him? Perhaps this was just what an artist did? Perhaps he just wanted to see what else could be done? Perhaps there wasn't anything else that could be done? The new king did not want an artist's opinion of how he should look on every new piece of art! What exactly is it that makes us see ourselves in a new light? It's not enough for us to look at ourselves objectively—we have to look at ourselves subjectively too! We have to be able to sense our place in our own personal hierarchy of life—we have to have a strong sense of self-esteem that allows us to see ourselves as we truly are (a reflection only we can see) and then bring that vision into expression in our own way (a reflection only we can create).

If we cross this threshold, we're on the path toward creating beauty in our lives—and if we don't, we won't even know why!

Source: Atlas Shrugged

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  4. Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people. - Roy T. Bennett

  5. Oh no. Don't smile. You'll kill me. I stop breathing when you smile. - Tessa Dare

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